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Emergency Consultation Guide

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Nauseous/vomited (child)

"Vomited", "Is vomiting", "Is about to vomit", "Seems to feel sick", etc.

First aid, etc.

■*1.【General response to childhood nausea and vomiting】

1.Get bed rest.

2.When nausea is severe, eating or drinking will cause vomiting, so wait 1-2 hours before starting with rehydration (oral rehydration solution, ionic beverage, barley tea, etc.).

3.The amount of liquid to be given at one time is about a teaspoon (5 ml) or a plastic bottle cap (7.5 ml). Check the condition of the infant and repeatedly give water.

4.Even if the person complains of hunger, do not give food right away, but rather start slowly with light meals while observing the condition of the person.

■*2.【Concerning vomiting occurring after drinking formula】

1.It is quite common for infants to vomit with a burp even when they are quite healthy. If there is no other symptom and there is no evidence of a foreign body having been swallowed, wait and see one or two times.