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Emergency Consultation Guide

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Fever (child)

"Had a fever", "Has a fever'', "Body is hot'', "Has chills'', "Is trembling'', "Fever does not go down", etc.

First aid, etc.

■*1.【Observation of pediatric fever】

1.In the case of fever in a "child younger than 3 months", they should be taken immediately to a medical institution. (Children under the age of 3 months in particular may have a severe infection.)

2.At 3 months of age or older, body temperature values are not as important, and general condition (lack of energy, inability to drink, etc.), cough, and headache are more important. Watch carefully for changes.

■*2.【General response to pediatric fever】

1.Sufficiently rehydrate by drinking liquids

(Oral rehydration solution, ionic beverage, barley tea, etc.. Breast milk or milk may be used before weaning)

2.Do not wear heavy clothing and wear comfortable clothing that allows heat to dissipate. However, if there are chills, warm the person with a blanket, etc., and when the chills disappear, have the person wear cool clothing.

3.When cooling the body, it is effective to cool the armpits and groin. Use an ice pack wrapped in a towel or a wet towel that has been wrung out to cool the body.

4.If the person has an antipyretic medication that was prescribed for this condition, follow the instructions of the prescribing doctor when using.

■*3.【If the person has influenza (including suspected cases)】

(Prevention of infection to surrounding people)

Wear a mask, wash hands, etc., and avoid going out until feeling better.

*Estimate: "Course until 5 days after onset and 2 days after subsiding of fever (3 days in the case of infants)"


(Countermeasures against abnormal behavior)

Abnormal behavior may occur in underage persons. Be careful of the following points

●Do not leave the person alone for at least 2 days

●In addition, perform the following (1) and (2) as measures to prevent jumping out of the residence.

(1)In the case of living in a high-rise building

Securely lock the doors and windows of all rooms (including inner locks, auxiliary locks, etc.)

Let the person sleep in a room not facing a veranda

Have the person sleep in a room with iron bars on the window (if such a room is available)

(2)In the case of a detached house

In addition to (1) above, have the person sleep on the first floor as much as possible