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Emergency Consultation Guide

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Nose injury/nosebleed (adult/child)

Complaint including "nose" and "trauma/injury". "Nose was hit", "Has a nosebleed", "Nose is runny", "Nose hurts", "The (area around the) nose is swollen", "The (area around the) nose hurts", etc.

First aid, etc.


1.Wrap the ice bag or cold pack in a towel before applying it to a painful or injured area.

2.Let it cool for about 20 minutes every 2 hours, and continue until visiting the hospital.

3.Be careful not to over-cool the area and avoid putting ice directly on the skin.


1.First, apply pressure to stop the bleeding.

2.Hold the alar wings (wings of the nose) firmly as if pinching the nose with your fingers and get some bed rest.

3.Do not hit the back of the head.

4.Bend forward and try to spit out the blood without drinking it.