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Chest pain (adult)
"Chest hurts", "There is discomfort in the chest", "Chest feels tightened", etc.
There is a feeling of tightening of the chest, a feeling of pressure on the chest, a feeling of discomfort in the chest, or searing pain in the chest
Pain that extends to either the teeth, neck, jaw, scapula, back, or arms is present
Pain is sudden and the intensity of the pain continues
Chest hurts even during bed rest
Has shortness of breath
Foamy pink phlegm or reddish phlegm is present
Has vertigo or feels listless (lack of strength)
Feels nauseous or vomited
Limbs are cold or sweaty (clammy)
Has palpitations (feeling of heart pounding) or abnormal pulse (e.g., arrhythmia, pulse skipping, disordered pulse rhythm)
Chest pain does not subside even when prescription medication (e.g., nitroglycerin, Frandol tape) taken
Remained in the same position for a long time (e.g., traveling by airplane or rail, sleeping due to illness) Or there has been a fracture
Has had a heart disease in the past.
Is taking the pill (contraceptive)
There is a pain, swelling, edema, redness, or a feeling of heat in the legs
Feet and ankles have suddenly become swollen
Experienced or identified to have had, injury, accident, surgery, pregnancy, childbirth, or blood disease (blood coagulation abnormality)
Bleeding is difficult to stop
None of the above are applicable.